Web Administrator's Guide
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Can I create something like this knowledge base on my site?

The knowledge base you are currently using to view this article was built entirely within our application.
We used the Resources and Groups managers to create a fully searchable, cross-referenced virtual library/custom database of information.
If you have a website package which contains both the Resources and Groups managers you can do the same thing by following these steps (p.s. similar steps are used for categorizing your calendar):
  1. Open the Groups manager
  2. Click the Group Types tab
  3. Enter a title for your group type (i.e. Newsletters, Forms, etc.) then set the "Use for Resource Search" and "Use for Resource Display" values to "Yes"
    Group Types window illustration 
    The "Use for Resource Search" value causes the group type and any groups listed under it to appear in the "Filter by:" drop-down list on the main resources search page of your site. The "Use for Resource Display" value causes the group type and any groups listed under it to appear on the individual resource pages (the hyperlinked cross-reference).
  4. Click the small save button in the upper right corner of the Group Types window
  5. Continue adding additional groups types as necessary
  6. Exit the Group Types window
  7. Click the Schedules tab
  8. Enter n/a and click the small save button in the upper right corner of the Schedules window (this is necessary to begin entering groups)
    Schedules window illustration
  9. Exit the Schedules window
  10. Click the Add New Group button Add New button
  11. Title the group according to the first category you want to make your resources searchable by (i.e. Youth, Women, Administrative, etc.)
  12. Choose the appropriate group type from the list you created in steps 3-5 above
  13. Since this is not a real group with meeting times, locations, etc. you do not need to worry with changing or setting any of the other values
  14. Save and Exit
  15. Repeat steps 10-14 for additional categories/departments
  16. Open the Resources manager
  17. Set up the appropriate options on the Manager Settings tab (set "Add Link to Site Menu" to "Yes" if you want it to be linked from your site menu)
  18. Save and exit to return to the main Resources screen
  19. Click Add New Resource Add New button
  20. Fill in the appropriate options for the resource
  21. Click the Personalization tab (this appears after saving for the first time) 
  22. Select the appropriate group from the drop-down list
  23. Click the small save button in the upper right corner of the Personalization window
  24. Exit the Personalization window
  25. Save and Exit
  26. Repeat steps 19-25 for additional resources

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