Web Administrator's Guide
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

What keyboard shortcuts can I use while working on my site?

The following standard keyboard shortcuts are available while working in the editor.
Cut (Ctrl + X) Undo (Ctrl + Z)
Copy (Ctrl + C) Redo (Ctrl + Y)
Paste (Ctrl + V) Find a word or phrase (Ctrl + F)
Bold (Ctrl + B) Select all text on page (Ctrl + A)
Italic (Ctrl + I) Select block (Ctrl + Left-click)
Underline (Ctrl + U) Insertion point (Shift + 6)
Single line space while in Normal format mode (Shift + Enter) Screen Capture (Alt + Print Screen)
Refresh (F5) - only necessary while previewing page  
Miscellaneous:Keyboard Shortcuts

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